Metal Additive Manufacturing magazine archive 2020
The Metal Additive Manufacturing magazine archive for 2020 gives free access to our most recent issues, offering the most comprehensive insight into the world of Metal Additive Manufacturing and 3D printing of metals. All issues can be downloaded free of charge as PDF files.

Vol. 6 No. 4, Winter 2020
- Metal Additive Manufacturing and the new Space Race: The inside track with Launcher and AMCM
- Falcontech: The journey from materials engineering to large-scale metal Additive Manufacturing
- Strategies for advancing the automation of metal Additive Manufacturing
- Machine Learning and Additive Manufacturing: What does the future hold?
- System 3R: Bridging critical gaps in the Additive Manufacturing workflow to enable serial production
- Metal AM in South Africa: Research and commercial initiatives bring the benefit of AM to the African continent
- CFD simulation for metal Additive Manufacturing: Applications in laser- and sinter-based processes
> More information and free download

Vol. 6 No. 3, Autumn/Fall 2020
- Atherton Bikes: The journey from world title success to mastering Additive Manufacturing for performance bike production
- Advancing rocket propulsion through Additive Manufacturing, novel surface finishing technologies and public-private partnerships
- From aerospace engineering to AM: Melanie Lang on FormAlloy and the future of Directed Energy Deposition (DED)
- Additive Manufacturing of hardmetals: An evaluation of potential processes for tool production
- High-performance nickel-base alloys for Additive Manufacturing: A review of their limitations and potential
- Metal Additive Manufacturing in New Zealand: An overview of research, commercial activities and strategic initiatives
- Hybrid inserts for mould and die production: How workflow optimisation can help make the business case for AM
- Neighborhood 91: The bridge to Additive Manufacturing production
> More information and free download

Vol. 6 No. 2, Summer 2020
- Innovation and differentiation: Precious metal Additive Manufacturing in the jewellery sector
- Unrealised potential: The story and status of Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion
- Freemelt AB: Open source technology to explore the potential of Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion
- In pursuit of perfection: A case study on how Bugatti and APWORKS leverage the full potential of AM
- Facing obstacles to profitability in metal AM: An Operational Excellence perspective
- Mass-production using PBF-LB: How laser beam measurements can help pave the way
- Link3D’s ‘Additive Manufacturing Maturity Model’: Developing an agile and resilient supply chain
- Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM): Binder Jetting Technology demystified
> More information and free download

Vol. 6 No. 1, Spring 2020
- Cheaper powders, faster build speeds and no thermal stresses? How AM is going supersonic at SPEE3D
- Current perspectives on metal AM: Hype, volume manufacturing and the geographies of production
- AM Ventures: An insider’s perspective on venture capital for start-ups in Additive Manufacturing
- Binder Jetting and beyond: Optimising the use of metal powders for Additive Manufacturing
- From lightweighting and material efficiency to energy consumption: Where are we on AM’s sustainability journey?
- AM’s industrial impact celebrated as Sweden hosts ASMET’s fourth Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference
- Euro PM2019: Effects of humidity and storage conditions on Additive Manufacturing powder quality