Innovative post processing in AutoSmooth project increases Cold Metal Fusion potential

October 23, 2024

October 23, 2024

The top image shows the results of conventional CMF processing, with results of parts processed under the AutoSmooth Project below (Courtesy AM Solutions)
The top image shows the results of conventional CMF processing, with results of parts processed under the AutoSmooth Project below (Courtesy AM Solutions)

The AutoSmooth Project, launched in 2023 by Headmade Materials GmbH, AM Solutions—3D post-processing technology, and Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH, is reportedly showing its first positive results. These results indicate more efficient processing times and improved surface quality for Cold Metal Fusion (CMF) parts.

Since the project began, the partners have worked to significantly advance the development of a fully automated process chain for unpacking, depowdering, and surface treatment of CMF parts. The initial results are said to be very promising, bringing industrial implementation within reach.

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An innovative shot blasting process, developed by AM Solutions, is used to ensure that the surfaces of the parts are finely depowdered and smoothed in a single operation. Staircase effects are effectively removed, and the surface quality is already so high that in most applications there is no need for an additional, lengthy finishing process after sintering. This is said to save an enormous amount of time. For example, the process of depowdering and smoothing takes only a few minutes, whereas conventional post-processing methods can take several hours.

Additionally, the powder is recovered using an advanced system and can be reused, ultimately resulting in significant cost reductions and conservation of valuable resources. A specialised part clamping solution also ensures the careful handling of sensitive green parts during the process.

A further advantage of the CMF process is that a standard and, therefore, inexpensive powder bed-based polymer Additive Manufacturing machine is sufficient, making the process an increasingly interesting drop-in technology. The parts do not require support structures, and, compared to other binder-based processes, CMF technology is said to result in green parts which are more stable, offering greater process reliability.

“If we now provide the ‘missing link’ in post processing with our new development, CMF technology will take a huge leap forward,” said Dr Till Merkel, Division Manager Technology at Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH. “For the industry, this paves the way for cost-efficient, automated processes that will fully unlock the potential of additive mass production for metal parts and significantly reduce unit costs.”

The new machine from AM Solutions is expected to be available on the market by 2025.

AM Solutions will provide insights into the progress of the AutoSmooth project at Formnext. The company can be found in Hall 11.1, Booth C41. Headmade Materials will be located in Hall 11.1, Booth C51, and Neue Materialien Bayreuth in Hall 12.1, Booth C71.

October 23, 2024

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