pro-beam receives iF Design Award for metal Additive Manufacturing machines
May 24, 2023

The pro-beam Group, Gilching, Germany, reports that it has received the iF Design Award for the PB WEBAM 100 and PB EBM 30S for Product Design within the Industry/Tools category. The iF Design Award is given each year by the iF International Forum Design GmbH, highlighting a few of its favoured designs from the thousands submitted. This year, the jury reportedly praised the form, functionality, and aesthetics of these pro-beam machines. The WEBAM machines, debuted at Formnext 2021, were designed with a focus on user-friendliness and safety, a modular construction, and a clear design language.
The PB WEBAM 100 is based a on Directed Energy Deposition (DED) process the company refers to as WEBAM (Wire Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing), and can reportedly produce larger metal components quickly while maintaining high quality. The machine consists of a process unit with vacuum chamber, as well as a compact supply unit, the POWERCUBE.
The Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion (PBF-EB)-based PB EBM 30S produces small, highly detailed metal components. In addition to the characteristic process and supply units, this machine features an airlock as well as a Transport Unit, which reportedly optimises the utilisation of the construction chamber, thus maximising productivity.
This win follows the company’s recent wins at the Red Dot Design Awards, an international competition supported by Red Dot GmbH & Co. KG. Here, pro-beam won two awards, both within the Product Design category; PB WEBAM 100 and PB EBM 30S were both awarded in this instance, with the latter receiving the ‘Red Dot: Best of the Best’ title.
“We are extremely pleased that our machine design has won two design awards in a row,” stated Dr Thorsten Löwer, Managing Director at pro-beam, “especially since we will roll out the redesign to our entire portfolio.”