NIST awards $15M to ASTM International to establish Standardization Center of Excellence

Companies & MarketsNews
October 16, 2024

October 16, 2024

The new Standardization Center of Excellence will be led by ASTM International with support from several key partners (Courtesy ASTM International)
The new Standardization Center of Excellence will be led by ASTM International with support from several key partners (Courtesy ASTM International)

The US Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has awarded $15 million for the establishment of a Standardization Center of Excellence (SCoE) to support the international standardisation of critical and emerging technologies. The new centre will be led by global standards organisation ASTM International, alongside several key partners including ANSI, A3 Association for Advancing Automation, ASME, IEEE, UL Standards and Engagement, CSA Group, Accuris, and Nexight Group.

“Broad US participation in the international standards process is vital to ensuring global market access for our products and services in the highly competitive and rapidly evolving technologies and that the resulting standards are based on sound science,” said NIST Associate Director for Laboratory Programs Charles Romine. “This first-of-its-kind public-private partnership will help us advance international standardisation for the critical and emerging technologies that are changing our lives every day, such as artificial intelligence, quantum technology and biotechnology.”

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The SCoE will focus on four broad areas:

  • Pre-standardisation engagement to encourage and ensure private sector-driven participation — especially by underrepresented groups such as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) — in international standardisation
  • Workforce capacity building to create a pipeline of professionals, especially early- to mid-career professionals, who can engage in and lead international standards development efforts
  • A collaborative pilot programme with NIST to accelerate the development of industry-driven standards where needed for selected CETs
  • Creation of an information and data sharing hub to serve as a central resource for all stakeholders involved in standardization, with information and tools that are tailored to meet the specific needs and priorities of particular critical and emerging technologies

The centre’s efforts will align the US Government National Standards Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technology (USG NSSCET) and its Implementation Roadmap. The centre is also intended to support and complement the broader goals of the United States Standards Strategy as published by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

NIST will provide funding for the SCoE through a cooperative agreement over a five-year period and will actively engage with the centre and its stakeholders, providing technical expertise and leadership. It was added that future funding awards will be subject to the availability of funds.

Companies & MarketsNews
October 16, 2024

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