ATI releases Additive Manufacturing roadmap for UK’s aerospace industry

Companies & MarketsNews
September 12, 2024

September 12, 2024

The Aerospace Technology Institute, supported by the Manufacturing Technology Centre, has set out a new UK-based Additive Manufacturing strategy and roadmap (Courtesy ATI)
The Aerospace Technology Institute, supported by the Manufacturing Technology Centre, has set out a new UK-based Additive Manufacturing strategy and roadmap (Courtesy ATI)

The Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI), supported by the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC), the National Centre for Additive Manufacturing, has set out a new UK-based Additive Manufacturing strategy and roadmap. These outline the actions that need to be undertaken by the UK aerospace industry by 2028 in order to best capitalise on the AM market.

Alex Hickson, Head of Technology – Structures, Manufacturing & Materials, ATI and co-author of the roadmap, stated, “Advancing capabilities and getting additive manufactured parts onto aircraft is a key enabler on the journey to Destination Zero. This roadmap provides the strategic direction and key milestones which are key to delivering UK competitiveness in this area and securing the economic benefits on offer.”

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The organisation’s vision for 2030 is an order of magnitude growth in the number of additively manufactured parts, designed and delivered by a full end-to-end UK supply chain, that are in flight in the civil aerospace segment. To realise this, it is necessary to synchronise technology development with the decisions of key industry stakeholders in the 2028 timeframe.

The roadmap targets four key challenge areas: supply chain resilience, more efficient qualification, reducing part cost, and increasing application opportunities. Overcoming these challenges would enhance confidence in AM, enabling decision-makers to confidently integrate this technology into future programmes.

The roadmap noted, “The UK possesses all the necessary ingredients to embrace full scale aerospace AM production including a comprehensive AM network boasting machine OEMs, rapidly growing supply chains, and unparalleled academic prowess.

“What is now required is a concerted effort — a collective leaning in — to change the focus from research & development towards the production of end use parts.”

Additive Manufacturing is set to play a pivotal role in enabling aviation’s commitment to Net Zero 2050 whilst bolstering the global competitiveness of the UK aerospace sector.

Katy Milne, Future Mobility Associate Director at MTC, said, “The level of innovation in the aerospace sector is at its highest for decades, with companies developing new, more sustainable aircraft and driving more integrated supply chains. AM is a critical enabler.

“By sharing our knowledge via this roadmap, OEMs and Tier 1s can make better-informed decisions on where, when and how AM can be optimised for next generation aircrafts. In turn, supply chains can build the capability to manufacture the components needed as they come to market, and help to secure a bright future for UK aerospace manufacturing.”

Aerospace products from Airbus, Boeing, GE Aerospace, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc and Rolls-Royce already employ Additive Manufacturing — including in UK manufacturing facilities — but there is still untapped potential. To remain globally competitive, the UK must accelerate.

The ATI AM Strategy and Roadmap was developed following consultation with OEMs together more than fifty partners from across the aerospace supply chain. Featured case studies from Airbus, Eaton, GKN Aerospace and Rolls-Royce explore the benefits of Additive Manufacturing across parts production, thermal management and MRO.

The ATI AM Strategy and Roadmap is now available to download here.

Cross-cutting enabling technologies and Additive Manufacturing will be featured in an expert panel session at ATI Conference 2024, which will be held on October 8 & 9 at the ICC Wales in Newport. More information is available here.

Companies & MarketsNews
September 12, 2024

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