World PM2016: metal Additive Manufacturing papers reveal directions of current research
June 16, 2016

The World PM2016 Congress & Exhibition takes place in Hamburg, Germany, from October 9-13, 2016. The event, organised by the European Powder Metallurgy Association, includes more than 450 keynote, oral, poster and special interest presentations.
A significant section of the congress is devoted to metal Additive Manufacturing and over the following pages we list all metal AM presentations as published in the World PM2016 Technical Programme. Note that additional relevant presentations for those in the metal AM industry can also be found in separate sessions relating to powder manufacture, powder characterisation etc.
To view the complete Technical Programme visit
Special Interest Seminar
Global Progress of Metal Additive Manufacturing
Thursday Morning, 13 October
The EPMA’s Special Interest Seminar on Additive Manufacturing (AM) will provide an update on the ‘Global Progress of Metal Additive Manufacturing’. Presentations covering global research activities, industrial and aerospace development as well as production, and other AM related topics will give a broad coverage of activities on the AM metal arena:
Certified Metal Additive Manufacturing
Ingo Uckelmann (MATERIALISE, Germany)
On the Way to Additive Manufacturing: Chances & Challenges for the Future Design, Industrial Production and Materials
Dipl.-Ing. Peter Sander (Airbus Hamburg, Germany)
Patenting Behaviour in Metal Additive Manufacturing
Dipl.-Ing. Judy Ceulemans (European Patent Office, Netherlands)
European Raw Additive Manufacturing Material Procurement for Space Applications
Dr Laurent Pambaguian (ESA, Netherlands)
Industrialization of Additive Manufacturing at Siemens
Dr Håkan Brodin (Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB, Sweden)
The Current Status and Outlook of Metal Additive Manufacturing in Japan
Prof Hideki Kyogoku (Kinki University, Japan)
Challenges of Metal Additive Manufacturing In Europe: A perspective from the EU Horizon 2020 Programme
Germán Esteban (European Commission, Belgium)
Session 1: AM – New Technologies and Modelling
3D Screen And Stencil Printing: Real Mass Production For Metals, Ceramics And Their Combinations
Studnitzky, T; Dressler, M; Jurisch, M; Reuter, K; Strauss, A; Riecker, S (Fraunhofer IFAM Dresden Germany)
Additive Manufacturing By Solvent Jetting On Granule Beds
Carreno-Morelli, E; Rodriguez-Arbaizar, M; Flueckiger, G; Cachelin, C (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland Switzerland)
Numerical Model For Thermal Analysis Of The Selective Laser Melting Process
Francois, A; Wyart, E (Cenaero Belgium) Rigo, O; Carrus, R (Sirris Belgium)
Binder Development For Binder Jetting-Based Additive Manufacturing Of Ceramics
Atre, S; Kate, K; Porter, J (University of Louisville United States)
Session 2: AM – Properties of Lightweight Materials 1
Non-destructive Evaluation Of Internal Defects In Additive Manufactured Aluminium
Pejryd, L; Karlsson, P (Örebro University Sweden) Hällgren, S (SAAB Dynamics Sweden) Kahlin, M (Saab Aeronautics Sweden)
Effects Of Heat Treatments On A357 Alloy Produced By Selective Laser Melting
Trevisan, F (Politecnico di Torino Italy) Calignano, F; Lorusso, M (Istituto Italiano di tecnologia (IIT) Italy) Pakkanen, J (Politecnico di Torino Italy) Ambrosio, E P; Manfredi, D (Istituto Italiano di tecnologia (IIT) Italy) Pavese, M; Fino, P (Politecnico di Torino Italy) Lombardi, M (DISAT Italy)
The Role Of Melting Pool Boundary In The Determination Of Mechanical Property Of Al Alloys Made By Selective Laser Melting
Yang, Y (Institute of Processing Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences China) Qian, M (RMIT University Australia)
Fatigue Damage Of Aluminum Alloy EN AW 2618A Produced By SLM Technology
Mazal, P; Vlasic, F; Kratochvilova, V; Palousek, D; Koutny, D (Brno University of Technology Czech Republic)
Influence Of Selective Laser Melting Process Parameters On Impact Resistance Of Lattice Structure Made From AlSi10Mg
Vrana, R; Koutny, D; Palousek, D; Zikmund, T (Brno University of Technology Czech Republic)
Session 8: AM – Powder Bed Based Technologies 1
Challenges And Opportunities In The Fabrication Of Injection Mold Tooling Using Direct Metal Laser Sintering
Atre, S; Irrinki, H; Kate, K; Knadler, D (University of Louisville United States)
Selective Laser Melting Of Magnesium Alloys
Jauer, L; Meiners, W (Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT Germany) Vervoort, S (RWTH-Aachen University Germany) Gayer, C (Fraunhofer Institute for Laser TechnologyGermany) Zumdick, N; Zander, D (RWTH Aachen Germany)
Additive Manufacturing By Selective Laser Melting (AM-SLM) Of Thin-Walled AlSi10Mg Containers: Structural Characterization And Electron Beam Welding (EBW)
Rosenthal, I; Nahmany, M; Uzan, N; Stern, A; Frage, N (Ben Gurion University of the Negev Israel)
Session 15: Powder Recycling and Aging
Keynote: Investigations Of Aging Behaviour From Aluminum Powders During A Atmosphere Simulation Of The LBM Process
Bauer, D (Airbus Group Innovations Germany)
Characterization Of The Virgin And Re-cycled Nickel Alloy HX Powder Used For Selective Laser Melting
Shvab, R; Leicht, A; Hryha, E; Nyborg, L (Chalmers University of Technology Sweden)
Metallic Chips As A Raw Material To SLM
Farinha, A R; Vieira, M T (University of Coimbra Portugal)
Effect Of Particle Size On Quality Characteristics Of Pure Titanium Using Metal Additive Manufacturing
Mori, S; Hanami, K; Doi, K; Nishi, N; Maruyama, S; Kitagaki, H; Terauchi, S (Osaka Yakin Kogyo Co., Ltd. Japan)
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