TU Delft materials lab will allow study of the entire Additive Manufacturing process

December 6, 2023

December 6, 2023

TU Delft opened its Materials for AM lab and now intends to study the entire AM chain (Courtesy TU Delft)
TU Delft opened its Materials for AM lab and now intends to study the entire AM chain (Courtesy TU Delft)

Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), the Netherlands, recently opened a new Materials for Additive Manufacturing lab, complementing the existing AM labs on it campus. This new lab will enable researchers investigate new materials and make a range of powders in-house that were previously commercially sourced.

“The composition and quality of raw materials are like DNA,” explained Vera Popovich, an associate professor at the Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime, and Material Engineering (3mE) where she researches materials and mechanics for extreme conditions. “It influences the entire production process and the final properties of the product. If we don’t know the DNA in its entirety, it limits our process and design flexibility.”

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The ability of researchers to now design raw metallic and ceramic materials and incorporate them into the complete Additive Manufacturing chain, is reported to be a significant milestone for the university.

“We want to use this new laboratory to investigate existing and new metallic, ceramic and composite materials, and design products with extraordinary properties on different length scales. These will ultimately bring us closer to solving important societal problems, such as the energy transition, sustainability and durability,” Popovich added.

Furthermore, the Materials for Additive Manufacturing (MAM) lab is intended to facilitate the design and production of materials with enhanced strength and energy efficiency. It allows the creation of complex shapes, reduces material usage where necessary, and promotes the use of natural or sustainable resources.

The lab is a joint effort between the faculties of 3mE and Aerospace Engineering (AE). Its primary focus will be the exploration of materials and development of products that can endure extreme conditions, like those found in air and space. “We see this lab as a bridge between the different disciplines of 3mE and AE and between fundamental and applied researchers,” said Popovich.

Popovich and her colleagues aim to shift the perception of Additive Manufacturing to that as a viable, high-quality production method that provides enhanced or integrated functionalities.

“We want to use this new laboratory to investigate existing and new metallic, ceramic and composite materials, and design products with extraordinary properties on different length scales,” Popovich commented. “These will ultimately bring us closer to solving important societal problems, such as the energy transition, sustainability and durability.”


December 6, 2023

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