Deakin University launches MELD-based research programme to advance metal AM
July 13, 2020

MELD Manufacturing Corporation, Christiansburg, Virginia, USA, has established an alliance with Deakin University, Victoria, Australia, to advance the science and application of its solid-state metal Additive Manufacturing technology.
Deakin University has launched a research programme centred on MELD’s technology, and has installed a MELD machine capable of processing a wide range of metals in an open-air environment (i.e. not requiring a vacuum or special atmosphere).
MELD® is a patented Additive Manufacturing process based on a process similar to friction welding, and can be used for the building and repair of metal components using off-the-shelf solid-state materials or powders. The process does not involve melting and is capable of Additive Manufacturing fully dense parts.
The university states that it the MELD machine is installed in the Advanced Metals Manufacture Facility of its Institute for Frontier Materials. The technology’s addition is said to support the institute’s focus on advanced alloys and infrastructure materials.
“Our research is designed to increase profitability and competitiveness, extend product life and reduce energy consumption,” commented Matthew Barnett, the Institute’s director. “The MELD technology supports our mission to redesign materials for a circular economy and impart materials with extraordinary functionality. Technological advance springs often from a breakthrough in materials science.”
As part of the new MELD-based research programme, the university is offering tax-free, fully-paid PhD scholarships for selected researchers, with additional funding to conduct research, as well as for conference travel.
Associate Professor Daniel Fabijanic is overseeing the research programme and selection of PhD scholarships, which combine deep science with immediate practical impact and are focused on the following research areas:
- Understanding MELD process fundamentals
- MELD processing of high melting point materials
- Microstructure development in MELD processed aluminium alloys