Tekna moves towards public listing
March 4, 2022
Advanced materials provider Tekna Holding AS, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, a producer of powders for metal powder-based manufacturing technologies such as Additive Manufacturing, Metal Injection Moulding (MIM), Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) and thermal spray processes, has called for an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) to convert to a public limited liability company (ASA), a prerequisite for the planned up-listing from Euronext Growth to the stock exchange Oslo Børs (OSE) during 2022.
“Given the growth strategy and ambitions of Tekna, we believe that moving to Oslo Børs will be beneficial, as it significantly expands our addressable investor universe,” stated Morten Henriksen, chairman of the board of Tekna.
In addition to the proposed company conversion, changes are proposed to Tekna’s Board of Directors in order to satisfy the requirements set out in the Norwegian Public Limited Liability Companies Act. One proposed new board member is Barbara Thierart-Perrin, while Lars Peder Fensli will leave the board.
Henriksen added, “I am thrilled to have Barbara Thierart-Perrin join the board, with her extensive and highly relevant experience in the automotive and sustainable battery industry. I would also like to thank Lars Peder Fensli for his valuable contributions during a transformative phase for the company.”
The EGM will be held as a video conference on March 10, 2022. Details of the video conference meeting will only be provided to shareholders who have given notice in advance. The notice and ancillary documents are available on the company’s website.