Registration open for 2024 AMUG Additive Manufacturing Users Group conference
August 30, 2023
Registration for the Additive Manufacturing Users Group’s 2024 AMUG Education and Training Conference will open on September 1, 2023. The event, scheduled to take place in Chicago, Illinois, USA from March 10-14, 2024 is a users’ event that is open to owners and operators of industrial Additive Manufacturing technologies used for professional purposes.
The 2024 AMUG Conference will maintain its foundation of networking and collaboration, while incorporating modifications based on feedback. These include changes to the AMUGexpo, increased technical content in conference sessions, and alterations to the sponsor and exhibitor programs.
The 2024 conference agenda offers extended hours for the AMUGexpo with the addition of Tuesday night. The extension responds to AMUG Members’ requests for more time to investigate Additive Manufacturing solutions. AMUG expects over 140 participating companies at the AMUGexpo, which will open Sunday, March 10, and run through Tuesday, March 12.
The AMUG Conference will offer keynotes, panel discussions, educational sessions, talks, and hands-on workshops to help users maximise their Additive Manufacturing solutions. Ed Graham, Director of Education and Conference, said, “Our conference has always been ‘for users by users’, and we will ensure top-notch technical content by carefully vetting presentations for the AMUG tracks.”
One of the key events in the conference program will be the ninth annual Innovators Showcase. This showcase features an on-stage interview where attendees can get to know an innovator in the industry and gain valuable insights from their experiences.
Excellence in applying Additive Manufacturing, and contributions to the industry is also due to be recognised through AMUG’s Innovators Award, Technical Competition and DINO Awards.
The all-inclusive conference registration fee is $1,295.00 for advanced registration before January 5, 2024. Companies interested in sponsoring or exhibiting may also register online.