ORNL and NIMS collaborate to advance materials research and manufacturing
July 8, 2024

The US Department of Energy’s (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Tennessee, USA, and Japan’s National Institute of Materials Science (NIMS) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to conduct advanced materials research that enables energy efficient, cost competitive and environmentally friendly technologies for the United States and Japan.
“This is an important step forward in advanced materials science research,” said Yutai Kato, director of the Materials Science and Technology Division at ORNL, who is the technical contact for the planned collaborative research. “We are excited about the opportunity for future collaborations with NIMS scientists. We look forward to a future of increased interaction where we can, together, solve some of the world’s biggest scientific problems in materials and manufacturing science.”
Kazuhiro Hono, NIMS President, stated, “I’m pleased with the conclusion of this MOU. We look forward to the further development of research collaboration in advanced materials and manufacturing through this MOU.”

The MOU, between UT-Battelle, which operates ORNL for DOE, and NIMS, is intended to ‘promote enhanced collaboration between the two national institutes and to establish a cooperative relationship in the areas of advanced materials and manufacturing through the development of new materials and manufacturing processes,’ according to the memorandum.
Among its expected benefits, the MOU will lay the groundwork to strengthen and promote institutional exchange of staff, scientific and technical information, and will lead to symposia and workshops in both countries, Kato said.
Signed in June 2024, the MOU is in effect for five years.