Open Mind releases latest version of hyperMILL software suite

June 23, 2021

hyperMILL 2021.2 ADDITIVE Manufacturing has introduced Weave Mode, allowing the application area to be widened and thickness increased for individual movement (Courtesy Open Mind Technologies AG)

Open Mind Technologies AG, headquartered in Wessling, Germany, has released hyperMILL® 2021.2, an update to its CAD/CAM software suite which offers users enhanced features for more efficient and user-friendly machining in applications ranging from 2.5D to 5-axis.

“With our continued focus on providing a rich, simplified user experience, the latest version of hyperMILL offers enhanced machining strategies, increased options for data feedback, as well as more convenience,” stated Alan Levine, Managing Director of Open Mind Technologies USA, Inc.

hyperMILL 2021.2 has introduced more capabilities, including a Weave Mode. This new mode generates a toolpath in a wave-shaped or zigzag movement, to apply material to contours or to fill areas – this allows the application area to be widened and the thickness to be increased for the individual movement. This continuous application also improves the metallurgical properties of the applied material.

Resulting in simplified programming and increased process reliability, hyperMILL VIRTUAL Machining NC code-based machine simulation has also been enhanced. Within the Optimiser module, which links individual part programs with smooth and safe connections, the cutter is able to remain close to the workpiece, allowing violations of the axis limitations to be detected and movement sequences optimised accordingly. There is also a new option in VIRTUAL Machining to apply a special approach and retract strategy to machines where the cutting tool can be retracted into a tunnel.

In the integrated hyperCAD®-S CAD module, additional file formats for import and export have been added, including SAT as standard ACIS text, as well as OBJ and 3MF for importing mesh data. Electrode creation has also been improved via the new selection of the raw material. To support EDM machining, the hyperCAD-S Electrode Converter can now be used to create import files for several EDM machines such as Exeron, Zimmer & Kreim and OPS-Inngersol

Aiming to increase quality and ease of use, enhancements to some CAM cycles are also offered in this latest update, such as 3D and 5-axis Equidistant Finishing capabilities that define the milling area by selecting bounding curves so that individual areas on a surface model can be targeted. With 3D ISO Machining, multiple bounding curves can now be used to allow different areas to be machined in one job. In addition, 3D Z-level Shape Finishing includes several innovative features to improve machining quality, including: optimised sorting of toolpath, smooth overlap at boundary, free tool geometry and trim toolpath to stock.

hyperMILL 2021.2 also has new functions that provide better feedback during CAM programming; Automatic Stock Display displays stock automatically for any machining job. Also, there is a new Preview of Selected Entities feature that highlights entities such as curves, faces or points when a job is selected. And for component alignment, a new BEST FIT feature aligns the NC program automatically to the component position, eliminating manual alignment and optimising the options offered by VIRTUAL Machining.

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