MIM2024 International Conference on Injection Molding of Metals, Ceramics and Carbides issues call for papers
July 21, 2023

The Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) has announced a call for papers for MIM2024: International Conference on Injection Molding of Metals, Ceramics and Carbides. Sponsored by the Metal Injection Molding Association (MIMA), APMI International and the MPIF, MIM2024 is set to take place February 26-28 in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
The annual event brings together those working in the MIM industry, as well as targeting product designers, engineers, end users, manufacturers, researchers, and students.
The deadline for abstract submission is September 30, 2023. Topics for this year’s event include:
Manufacturing Innovations
- Part design
- Tooling
- Moulding
- Debinding
- Sintering
Material Advancements
- Ferrous metals & alloys
- Non-ferrous metals & alloys
- Ceramics
- Hardmaterials
- Magnetics
Authors will be notified of acceptance by October 31, 2023. Those accepted will be given a twenty-five minute presentation slot in the conference programme, with accepted abstracts also being published on the MPIF website and available to event attendees in print.
More information, including the submission form, is available here.