M&H adds SFM-AT1000-S powder removal system from Solukon

March 1, 2024

March 1, 2024

M&H CEO Patrick Herzig with Philipp Schwemberger, Head of Additive Manufacturing, in front of the new SFM-AT1000-SM&H depowdering system at the company’s headquarters in Austria (Courtesy Solukon)
M&H CEO Patrick Herzig with Philipp Schwemberger, Head of Additive Manufacturing, in front of the new SFM-AT1000-SM&H depowdering system at the company’s headquarters in Austria (Courtesy Solukon)

M&H CNC Technik GmbH, a provider of metal Additive Manufacturing design, development, production and finishing services based in Neudorf bei Ilz, Austria, reports it has installed an SFM-AT1000-S depowdering system from Solukon, Augsburg, Germany, at its facility.

The automatic powder removal system is specially designed for cleaning and post-processing additively manufactured parts. The SFM-AT1000-S can handle large and heavy metal components, with a height of up to 100 cm and a maximum weight of 800 kg.

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“With the Solukon system, we can efficiently and thoroughly remove powder residue from complex parts with internal channels and cavities,” stated Patrick Herzig, M&H CEO. “This feature is a decisive advantage, as such complex geometries often present a challenge in post-processing and powder residues in the components could mean a loss of performance.”

The depowdering machine incorporates two rotating axes with servo drive, where the component moves along a programmable path. A built-in high-frequency hammer also loosens powder clumps in particularly narrow channels. For reactive materials, the Solukon SFM-AT1000-S can operate under inert gas, providing maximum explosion and health protection.

“With the introduction of the SFM-AT1000-S, we are setting new standards in the post-processing of 3D printed parts in titanium, aluminium, stainless steel and materials such as Scalmalloy and Inconel. This technology enables us to further increase the quality of our products and make our production processes more efficient and even safer through series cleaning,” continued Herzig.

Andreas Hartmann, CEO and CTO of Solukon, added “The SFM-AT1000-S, sets new standards in the manufacturing industry – also thanks to its compatibility with our innovative SPR-Pathfinder software. With this unique software, individual motion patterns can be calculated automatically for each component based on the CAD file. By optimising and automating their post-processing procedures, we offer our customers – like M&H – a clear competitive advantage. With the Digital-Factory-Tool, a sensor and interface kit, our partners also have maximum transparency over the depowdering process,”

Post-processing for Formula 1 components

At M&H, the SFM-AT1000-S is used to post-process components for the aerospace and international motorsport industries, in particular Formula 1.

“The ability to clean components with extreme precision enables us to meet the specific and stringent requirements of these industries, where precision and reliability are particularly crucial. Using the SFM-AT1000-S from Solukon ensures that even the finest geometries can be reworked without compromising on quality,” emphasised Herzig.



March 1, 2024

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