Materialise, Proponent and Stirling Dynamics partner to provide certified AM cabin components

Companies & MarketsNews
December 14, 2023

December 14, 2023

The partners aim to provide certified AM cabin components for the aircraft industry (Courtesy Stirling Dynamics)
The partners aim to provide certified AM cabin components for the aircraft industry (Courtesy Stirling Dynamics)

Materialise NV, based in Leuven, Belgium, has signed a letter of intent (LOI) with Proponent, the largest independent aerospace distributor, and Stirling Dynamics, an EASA 21.J-certified Aerospace Design Organisation (DOA), aimed at providing certified additively manufactured cabin parts for the aircraft industry.

The LOI strengthens an existing partnership between Stirling Dynamics, Materialise and Proponent that was formed in 2021. By combining forces, the three companies intend to support the aerospace aftermarket with the design, production, and distribution of certified additively manufactured cabin solutions.

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As a DOA, Stirling Dynamics develops improved, certified designs for additively manufactured interior cabin parts and provides complete aircraft documentation and installation instructions. By adding an EASA Part 21.J DOA to the partnership, the companies bring together the ability to identify AM applications and design them by a certified DOA, with certified production by Materialise as a 21.G POA and then distribution through Proponent as the largest independent distributor. This will serve to further lower hurdles for OEMs and aircraft operators in the integration of such solutions.

Bandula Pathinayake, VP of Stirling Dynamics, shared, “We are really excited to be partnering with Materialise and Proponent to collectively bring the aviation market a true end-to-end service for aircraft modification and repairs. As an EASA-approved Part 21.J Design Organisation (EASA.21J.807), we are passionate about innovation, and we look forward to applying our extensive design capabilities to meet the unique challenges of aviation customers.”

Together, Materialise, Proponent, and Stirling Dynamics aim to accelerate the adoption of Additive Manufacturing for cabin parts. Through the identification and design of smart additively manufactured solutions for OEMs, airlines, and MROs, this partnership seeks to give airline customers the possibility to easily leverage the manufacturing benefits AM offers.

“By combining our respective expertise, we are creating a powerful alliance with the skills needed to lower AM adoption barriers in the aeronautics industry,” stated Jurgen Laudus, Vice President of Materialise Manufacturing. “We present the opportunity to design, produce, and distribute certified 3D-printed solutions, supporting the aerospace aftermarket in leveraging the exceptional benefits of 3D printing.”

Already, several cabin repair solutions have been successfully developed between Stirling Dynamics and Materialise, solving specific issues the customers face in their cabins. Proponent can leverage their OEM relationships to develop OEM-endorsed and certified solutions, making them available to operators worldwide that face similar issues.

Erik Krol, Proponent Vice President Strategic Business Units, commented, “With Stirling Dynamics joining our partnership, we can offer our OEM partners qualified solutions that can easily be incorporated into their aftermarket supply chain. Through this partnership, OEMs can deliver spare parts and repairs in an extremely cost-effective way, ultimately benefiting the airlines and MROs.”

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Companies & MarketsNews
December 14, 2023

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