Kanthal presents CO2 reducing heating technology at Thermprocess

June 8, 2023

Heating technology company Kanthal, headquartered in Hallstahammar, Sweden, will showcase its CO2 reducing electric heating solutions at Thermprocess, reputedly the biggest exhibition of innovative technologies for industrial thermo-processing plants. Thermprocess will be held in Düsseldorf, Germany, June 12-16, 2023.

“In many industrial processes, electric heating can play a significant role when it comes to carbon reductions,” stated Robert Stål, CEO of Kanthal. “By replacing conventional gas heating in heat treatment processes with electric, manufacturers can make significant savings in energy consumption and emissions. In fact, with the solutions available today, electric heating represents one of the fastest ways industrial manufacturers can have a meaningful impact on their carbon footprints.”

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Thermprocess expects to attract around 7,000 visitors from 100 countries. As part of the event’s programme, Dilip Chandrasekaran, Business Development Manager at Kanthal, will give a presentation on Friday June 14, focused on the benefits and advantages of electric heating. This will include an outline of some of the technical challenges and how they can be overcome, as well as some tangible examples of companies that have successfully switched from gas heating to electric. He will also address some of the misconceptions about electric heating.

“There is still a widespread belief that electric heating cannot deliver the power output and temperatures required for many industrial processes, but we have already proven that our electric heating solutions have no problems with this,” Chandrasekaran added. “There are many processes within steel manufacturing that can be electrified today and there are other processes that are close to being electrified with just some additional development work. We’re ready to work together with many other manufacturers going forward to help develop bespoke solutions to suit their needs.”

Kanthan will be in Hall 10 at booth B72.



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