Italy’s largest Additive Manufacturing bureau purchases XJet system

November 9, 2018

November 9, 2018

Italy’s largest Additive Manufacturing bureau purchases XJet system

Martina Riccio, Process and R&D Engineering Leader at BEAMIT (left), with Dror Danai, XJet CBO and the XJet Carmel 1400 AM System on the production line at Kiryat Gat, Israel (Courtesy XJet)


BEAMIT SpA, Fornovo di Taro, Italy, Italy’s largest Additive Manufacturing bureau, has purchased an XJet Carmel 1400 Additive Manufacturing system from XJet, Rehovot, Israel. The system, which uses XJet’s proprietary NanoParticle Jetting™ (NPJ) technology, is thought to be the first XJet machine installed in Italy and brings XJet’s global installed base to seven countries.

BEAMIT’s acquisition of a Carmel AM System expands the company’s capabilities from strictly metal Additive Manufacturing to include ceramic Additive Manufacturing for the first time. Mauro Antolotti, BEAMIT President, stated, “Our customers have experienced the numerous benefits AM production brings to metal parts and many of them would love to see that in ceramics too.”

“XJet’s NPJ technology provides a combination of detail, density and design freedom not previously afforded by other methods of ceramics manufacturing, so it feels like now is the right time for us to make this move,” he concluded.

Gabriele Rizzi, Sales Manager, BEAMIT, added, “BEAMIT has thrust itself into working with this new emerging technology as a competitor to traditional casting processes. One of our next joint development programmes with an aeronautical customer will be based on this interesting technology when applying metal alloys.” NPJ uses a liquid dispersion process said to provide unique benefits in mechanical and geometric properties, resulting in high quality parts and a high degree of design freedom.

BEAMIT holds ISO 9001 and EN 9100 certifications in automotive, medicine, avionic/aerospace and racing, and stated that ensuring high part quality is central to its operations. “As Italy’s leading AM service bureau, we have partnerships with the most prominent companies in the biomedical, aeronautic, aerospace, racing and industrial sectors, similarly key universities and research institutions,” stated Rizzi.

“As such, it’s imperative we produce items of the highest quality. After reviewing parts produced using XJet technology we were extremely impressed with levels of precision and detail on the parts. Near net shape was another crucial factor as the more time we can take off post-processing the better the process we have, giving our teams confidence to go for more complex and sophisticated parts designed for AM.”

Hanan Gothait, XJet CEO, commented, “We’re delighted to be working with a company of BEAMIT’s heritage. Its extensive customer base means we can expect to see some very interesting applications over the coming months. As the first system to ship to Italy this sale also embodies another significant landmark for XJet, as the country – which represents exciting market potential – is added to our expanding map of installations and distributors.”   |

November 9, 2018

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