Introduction to Additive Manufacturing brochure published by European Additive Manufacturing Group
October 16, 2015
The European Additive Manufacturing Group (EAMG), a sectoral group of the European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA), has announced the publication of its new guide to Additive Manufacturing. The 44 page booklet, Introduction to Additive Manufacturing Technology, is available in both PDF and print format from the EPMA.
The guide brings together information on all the various metal Additive Manufacturing processes and has been created specifically for designers and engineers who are new to Additive Manufacturing. The booklet looks in detail at the different metal AM technologies and processes available on the market today as well as the range of metal powders used in the process.
A comprehensive explanation of designing components for AM is included, along with a good number of case studies from end user sectors such as aerospace and consumer goods.
The ‘Introduction to Additive Manufacturing Technology’ brochure is available as a PDF download from the EPMA website, print versions can be ordered by contacting Scarlett Williams: [email protected]
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