GE Additive adds Predix Platform to Concept Laser machines

June 17, 2017

June 17, 2017

GE Additive adds Predix Platform to Concept Laser machines

The M2 cusing machine from Concept laser


GE Additive has announced that it will add Predix platform capabilities to its Concept Laser M2 cusing additive machines, giving customers the opportunity to remotely monitor their machines, increasing their productivity and improving their operations.

From September this year, all Concept Laser M2 cusing and additive machines will be delivered to customers equipped with Predix edge technology. This move allows customers to remotely monitor and collect data from their machines, helping them analyse trends and uncover insights to improve asset performance and operations.

“What you’re witnessing is the beauty of the GE Store,” stated Mohammad Ehteshami, Vice President and General Manager for GE Additive. “We’ve taken the best technology from GE and applied it to Concept Laser’s additive machines, improving them and making our customers more efficient and more productive.”

Developed by GE Digital, the Predix platform connects machines, data and people to power digital industrial transformation. As a distributed operating system from the edge to the cloud, Predix helps companies develop, manage and monetize applications for the Industrial Internet. For GE Additive customers, Predix enables industrial-scale analytics for them to:

  • Know exactly when their build has finished – regardless of their location – optimising capacity in their factory
  • Know if their machine parameters are running on trend or outside of their control limits – augmenting their quality management systems
  • Get early detection notifications to customer’s mobile phones – reducing down-time and maximising capacity.

In the future, GE Additive updates, supported by Predix technology, will give customers the ability to:

  • Predict when preventive maintenance is required – reducing unscheduled downtime and improving machine availability
  • Create their own applications to review and analyse the data they want, where they want and when they want
  • Control the ability for real-time parameter modifications – allowing for faster development cycles.

Predix Edge Manager allows industrial companies to monitor and control devices at the edge, on a device or machine, as well as make software updates as soon as they are available. The technology enables operators to make changes that can improve performance, mitigate security threats and better manage assets, even from thousands of miles away. This move reinforces Predix as the only platform that provides computing capabilities from the edge to the cloud, giving customers visibility, control and analytic insights to every part of their industrial operations.

Access to this information and the ability to generate insight can save a customer time by preventing unplanned downtime on their machines. “We want customers to fully utilize their capacity and realize the full potential of their machines,” stated Ehteshami. “All of this information will be available to them from the cloud, accessible from anywhere.”

June 17, 2017

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