EOS adds EOS NickelAlloy IN939 to its range of metal AM powders

February 16, 2021

EOS has added EOS NickelAlloy IN939 to its portfolio of metal powders for Additive Manufacturing (Courtesy EOS GmbH)

EOS GmbH, headquartered in Krailling, Germany, has expanded its portfolio of metal powders for Additive Manufacturing with the addition of EOS NickelAlloy IN939. The new material is a nickel-chromium alloy that is reported to provide a balance of strength in high-temperature settings, resistance to corrosion and oxidation, fatigue performance, and creep strength at temperatures up to 850℃ (1,560°F).

EOS states that its EOS NickelAlloy IN939 offers greater tensile properties, validation, reliability and crack-resistance than similar materials currently on the market. Parts produced using the new matrerial can also be hardened after being manufactured by applying precipitation-hardening heat treatments.

The company explains that for processing on the EOS M 290 metal AM machine, all these qualities position EOS NickelAlloy IN939 perfectly for use in creating industrial gas turbines, (vanes, blades, heatshields), as well as microturbines, turbochargers, power industry parts and other energy industry applications exposed to high temperatures and extreme elements.

Dr Alex Hoffs, president of Power Systems Mfg., LLC (PSM), part of the Ansaldo Energia Group, a leading supplier of technologically advanced aftermarket parts to a comprehensive gas turbine services provider, commented, “PSM is excited to see the continued investments by EOS supporting 3D printing applications in the energy industry.”

He added, “For gas turbine power plant operators, we believe flow path components additively manufactured with new advanced metal powder alloys such as EOS NickelAlloy IN939 bring the potential for significant operational flexibility improvements.”

Kevin Minet, Team Supervisor metal materials and processes, at EOS, stated “Material development is always driven by customer demand and very often is the result of close customer cooperation. EOS NickelAlloy IN939 was developed to meet or even exceed the properties of casted nickel alloy.”

“The PSM application scenario and their early success support the potential we see for this material for more industries and applications,” concluded Minet.

EOS NickelAlloy IN939 is now available for the EOS M 290, with a planned release for the EOS M 400-4 AM machine in Q2 2021.



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