CVMR Corporation to expand metal Additive Manufacturing activities in the US with three new divisions
June 20, 2014
CVMR Corporation (CVMR), based in Toronto, Canada, has announced its intention to establish three new divisions in the United States covering metal powder manufacturing; metal Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) equipment design and development, and metal powder innovation.
The metal powder manufacturing plant and metal Additive Manufacturing plant will be housed in Kentucky and the metal powder innovation centre will be located in Tennessee. Phase 1 of all three Divisions will be operational by December 2015, and will gradually expand over the following three years.
CVMR manufactures pure metal powders, metal nano powders, and metal alloy powders of various morphologies specifically for the Additive Manufacturing sector. CVMR uses its proprietary carbonyl and other proprietary vapour metallurgical processes in manufacturing these powders.
CVMR stated that it has partnered with a number of prominent equipment manufacturers in the Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing field in order to design and build state of the art equipment, using CVMR’s metal powders as feed material.
“This will create a fully integrated operation, from the mineral sources to the end-user products for CVMR. We either own most of the mining concessions that supply the raw material for our operations, or we have long-term off take agreements with prominent mining companies who supply us with various metal ores or concentrates, worldwide. We refine those minerals, using our proprietary processes and technologies, and now our clients can actually use our metal powders using our equipment to manufacture state of the art end user products,” Dr Kamran M Khozan, Chairman and CEO of CVMR, announced at a press conference in New York.
Dr Khozan added, “We are currently negotiating with a number of multinational corporations, in the United States and Europe, that have the technical know-how, to partner with us in developing the next generation of Additive Manufacturing equipment such that they can be used in as many industries as possible, almost off the shelf.”
CVMR stated that it has also carried out extensive research in new methods of Extrusion molding, using metal powders.
Metal powders and their various alloys are currently being produced by CVMR include nickel, iron, chromium, cobalt, molybdenum, tungsten, vanadium, titanium, tantalum and niobium. Dr Khozan stated, “Our technology allows us to refine low grade ores quite efficiently. That has helped us to compete in quality and price, simultaneously, in the Additive Manufacturing market. The development of our fully integrated systems is yet another step in that direction.”
Besides metal powders, CVMR produces net shapes, coatings and superalloys for the electronics and other high tech industries.
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