Chiron Group appoints Markus Unterstein as its new CFO

April 14, 2023

The management team of the Chiron Group. From left to right: Markus Unterstein (CFO), Carsten Liske (CEO), Dr Claus Eppler (CTO) and Bernd Hilgarth (CSO) (Courtesy Chiron Group)
The management team of the Chiron Group. From left to right: Markus Unterstein (CFO), Carsten Liske (CEO), Dr Claus Eppler (CTO) and Bernd Hilgarth (CSO) (Courtesy Chiron Group)

Chiron Group, headquartered in Tuttlingen, Germany, has announced that Markus Unterstein will take over the position of Chief Financial Officer (CFO), effective May 1, 2023. The company specialises in CNC vertical milling and mill-turn machining centres, as well as turnkey and automation solutions. It also offers metal Additive Manufacturing machines, with its AM Cube utilising either wire or powder in a laser-based Directed Energy Deposition process.

Unterstein has almost twenty years of professional experience as a CFO, staring at Kraiburg TPE in 2006. In 2012, he moved to HAWE Hydraulik SE and successfully led this company as CFO for almost eleven years. He holds a degree as Management Business Economist (VWA), from the Academy of Administration and Business in Munich, Germany.

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“I am very delighted to be part of the Chiron family in the future. Above all, the technically sophisticated products and the global orientation of the company were key factors in my decision to join the Chiron Group,” stated Unterstein.

Upon joining Chiron Group, Unterstein will be in charge of finance, human resources, information technology and controlling. In addition, he is responsible for the business unit CMS and the branch office in Schlierbach, Germany.

“I am pleased that we have been able to attract Markus Unterstein, an outstanding financial expert, who brings extensive management experience from his many years of working in family-owned tech companies,” added Dr Armin Schmiedeberg, chairman of the board of directors.

The group’s production and development sites, sales and service subsidiaries, and sales agencies worldwide; around two thirds of machines and solutions that are sold are exported. Key customer sectors are the automotive, mechanical engineering, medicine and precision engineering, aerospace industries, as well as tool manufacturing.

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