APMI International names Dean Howard 2022 Fellow
January 21, 2022

APMI International has announced that the winner of the 2022 Fellow Award is Dean Howard, PMT, president of North American Höganäs Co. Howard will receive elevation to Fellow status during the Opening General Session at PowderMet2022 on Monday, June 13, in Portland, Oregon, USA.
Howard is a third-generation Powder Metallurgy professional who has worked in the PM industry for over thirty years. His career started with a sales position at Abbott Furnace Company in St Mary’s, Pennsylvania, before transitioning into metal powder sales with Pyron Corporation in Niagara Falls, New York. After Pyron was acquired by Höganäs AB, Sweden, Howard was credited with helping to position North American Höganäs in the North American market by promoting the PM industry through active engagement with MPIF and APMI.
As VP of Sales, he is said to have strongly encouraged his team to engage in MPIF and APMI activities, supporting his team to have active roles on the APMI Board of Directors, MPIF Industry Development Board, MPIF Technical Board, and present and exhibit at the annual PowderMet Conferences. Howard was appointed president of North American Höganäs/Höganäs Americas in 2017 and has continued to support and promote their activities for PM growth.
Established in 1998, the Fellow Award recognises APMI members for their significant contributions to the goals, purpose, and mission of the organisation. Fellows are elected through their professional, technical, and scientific achievements; continuing professional growth and development; mentoring/outreach; and contributions to APMI International committees.