3YOURMIND to present its new AM product scheduling software at Formnext

November 8, 2018

November 8, 2018

Production scheduling within 3YOURMIND’s new Agile Manufacturing Execution System (Courtesy 3YOURMIND GmbH)


3YOURMIND GmbH, Berlin, Germany, has announced the launch of its latest product, titled the Agile Manufacturing Execution System (Agile MES), a production scheduling platform developed to manage the scheduling and prioritisation of additively manufactured parts. The company will present the software’s initial features at Formnext in Frankfurt, Germany, November 13-16.

The initial features showcased during the exhibition will be what 3YOURMIND refers to as Smart Part Prioritisation and Agile Production Scheduling. According to the company, the most significant improvement for AM service managers on the production floor is provided by a data based recommendation engine; when AM jobs are created, the system automatically suggests which parts to assign and when to assign them.

The company further stated that it has “an aggressive road-map” in place to develop the Agile MES further based on the requirements of its customers. Stephan Kühr, Co-founder of 3YOURMIND, explained, “Our next priority is to create a strong direct connection from the Agile MES to individual machines. The collection of the real-time production data will further enable accurate production tracking and quality assurance. We are determined to generate a fully integrated and automated platform that can serve as the data infrastructure for the factory of the future.”


Initial features of the Agile MES

Smart Part Prioritisation

Smart Part Prioritisation is automatically generated from incoming orders on the 3YOURMIND platform, which speeds up the information flow and production decision making. Keeping all order and part data submitted by the client in a single interface also increases the transparency of the process, according to the company.

Using the delivery dates and production specifications, the system also classifies parts for jobs based on production priority and machine availability. This enables more efficient resource management and machine utilisation and ensures deadlines can be met.


Agile Production Scheduling

Agile Production Scheduling assigns jobs based on custom workflows that define the specific production steps, post-processing and quality control requirements of each part. The engineer(s) in charge of production planning can schedule jobs based on machine capacities, and the dynamic interface is said to make it easy to adjust production when new orders need to be added.

Based on the planner’s nesting behaviour, the software recommends which parts can be scheduled in one job. The Agile MES is also said to allow engineers to reschedule failed production and manage maintenance with one click.


November 8, 2018

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