3D visualisation software for multi-channel digital twins available for EOS customers using AM Explorer

November 21, 2023

November 21, 2023

Interspectral has added its EOSCONNECT Core module to its AM Explorer 3D visualisation software for multi-channel digital twins (Courtesy Interspectral)
Interspectral has added its EOSCONNECT Core module to its AM Explorer 3D visualisation software for multi-channel digital twins (Courtesy Interspectral)

Interspectral, located in Norrköping, Sweden, has announced the launch of a deep integration with the EOSCONNECT Core module in AM Explorer. This new module provides EOS customers with one-click direct access to the comprehensive process monitoring data available from EOS machines within AM Explorer. This integration is said to mark a significant advancement in process monitoring and quality assurance for EOS end users.

The solution, available for users of EOS equipment with EOSCONNECT Core, has already been deployed at EOS customers worldwide, including several major service providers, R&D labs, and material suppliers.

Developed by Interspectral, AM Explorer is an OEM-agnostic 3D visualisation software that enables users to create multi-channel digital twins using data from design, simulation, process monitoring, and post-build part analysis gathered throughout the entire Additive Manufacturing process.

“When conversing with the market, we recognised that many end users were grappling with laborious manual quality inspection processes. With this new feature, we’re addressing this challenge head-on, breaking down data silos for EOS users. They can now seamlessly access data from their printers and analyse it with powerful interactive 3D visualisation, combining it with information from simulations and post-build analyses,” explained Isabelle Hachette, CEO at Interspectral.

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The integration of EOSCONNECT Core into AM Explorer offers value to EOS customers by providing direct and straightforward access to EOS machine data, including PowderBed and OT images.

AM Explorer aggregates data from various sources to create a 3D visualisation of a part. This data can be integrated with simulations and post-build analyses without difficulty, removing data silos. This allows for a comprehensive view of the Additive Manufacturing process.

“Our initial studies with service providers indicate that our solution can reduce manual quality inspection costs by more than 50% and significantly mitigate the risk of critical errors,” Hachette added. “Interspectral, with AM Explorer has a vendor agnostic, partner specific approach designed to empower companies in achieving their key initiatives effectively. Our dedicated team specialises in driving this success, aligning with our commitment to foster growth within the AM industry. While the current AM Explorer version is accessible to all, we offer the Interspectral-AM Explorer advanced edition for collaborative ventures, exemplifying our dedication to productive partnerships.”

Interspectral is dedicated to being an OEM-agnostic partner, committed to openness and interoperability. This commitment enables them to seamlessly collaborate with leading industry OEMs like EOS, empowering end users to maximise the potential of their Additive Manufacturing processes without limitations.

“In March 2023, Interspectral became a member of the EOS Developer Network EDN and we have been truly impressed by the remarkable level of integration they have achieved with our APIs and tools. We firmly believe that by offering open APIs and actively supporting developers, we are paving the path for the industrialisation of Additive Manufacturing,” stated Mirco Schöpf, Senior Manager – Software at EOS.



November 21, 2023

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