Xact Metal to bring PanOptimization’s modelling software into Additive Manufacturing

September 25, 2024

Xact Metal has partnered with PanOptimization to bring its advanced modelling into the Additive Manufacturing industry (Courtesy Xact Metal)
Xact Metal has partnered with PanOptimization to bring its advanced modelling into the Additive Manufacturing industry (Courtesy Xact Metal)

Xact Metal has announced a partnership with PanOptimization, both headquartered in State College, Pennsylvania, USA, in an effort to bring more affordable metal Additive Manufacturing technology to small- to medium-sized companies.

“At Xact Metal, we’re establishing a new level of price and performance in metal 3D printing by taking the essential specs of metal Additive Manufacturing and combining them with breakthrough technology,” stated Juan Mario Gomez, CEO of Xact Metal. “We are pleased to partner with PanOptimization to bring cutting-edge simulation and optimisation into the Additive Manufacturing industry.”

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PanOptimation’s PanX software utilises a multi-grid modelling approach for thermomechanical simulation which is said to achieve superior accuracy with over 100x faster runtimes than traditional finite element analysis (FEA) models using modest computer hardware. The software identifies and helps to correct most thermal and mechanical build issues (distortion, recoater jams, cracking, etc), thus reducing the need for experimental trial and error.

“In our drive to lower the price of Additive Manufacturing metal Powder Bed Fusion systems, we have used PanX to help us improve the performance of our systems, understand the behaviour of the metals that we work with and optimise the parts that we are printing to achieve the geometric performance that we require,” said Gomez. “We ourselves have seen the value that PanOptimation’s software provides and want to bring this benefit to our manufacturing customers, such as those in the injection moulding industry, supported through our sales network of over twenty-six partners around the world.”

“We’re excited to begin our partnership with Xact Metal,“ added Pan Michaleris, CEO of PanOptimization. “It is a logical next step in our strategy to integrate our PanX software product line with all major machine OEMs, and an opportunity for us to go beyond our aerospace and defence user base and expand into the broader industry of affordable metal Additive Manufacturing.”



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