Uniformity releases UniFuse IN718 nickel alloy powder for Additive Manufacturing
March 17, 2023

Uniformity Labs, Fremont, California, USA, has announced the availability of its UniFuse™ IN718 nickel alloy and optimised parameters for Laser Beam Powder Bed Fusion (LBF-PB) Additive Manufacturing at 60 μm layer thickness with 400 W laser power.
The higher tap density and optimised particle size distribution reputedly creates a highly uniform, denser powder bed which enables the creation of parts at a high throughput. This enables customers to produce parts with repeatable mechanical properties which are said to be improved, even at higher build rates, utilising thicker build layers and the more efficient use of the PBF-LB Additive Manufacturing lasers.
This product release coincides with the third-party material performance evaluation and validation tests for UniFuse IN718 conducted by Ajay Krishnan, research leader at EWI – Buffalo Manufacturing Works. Krishnan will give his presentation ‘De-mystifying LPBF Throughput’ – at the Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) conference, scheduled for March 22, which will include some of his findings from his report.
“With UniFuse IN718, we deliver best-in-class mechanical properties, surface finish, printing yield, and part reliability with substantially increased throughput printing at 60 μm layer thickness,” stated Adam Hopkins, founder and CEO. “This is significant for advancing AM as a viable pillar for industrial manufacturing and shows that our technology and process deliver on the promise of no compromise Additive Manufacturing.”
This announcement follows the recent availability of a range of steel, aluminum, and titanium powders under the brand UniFuse™ for for PBF-LB and UniJet™ for Binder Jetting, with many others said to be nearing availability.