Titomic launches Mobile Repair Unit for in-field repairs
June 15, 2023
Additive Manufacturing company Titomic Limited, Brisbane, Australia, has introduced its Mobile Repair Unit. Housed within a 6 m container, the unit incorporates two Cold Spray units, a D523 Cold Spray machine and a robotised integrated spray booth. The Mobile Repair Unit reportedly enables efficient in-field repair operations using a wide range of metals, including copper, aluminium, and nickel.
While initially designed for use by the military for battle damage repair, Titomic’s Mobile Repair Unit has the potential to be used across various industries such as oil & gas, mining sites, and renewable energy farms. The Mobile Repair Unit’s ability to operate remotely, requiring only power and compressed air to function, means that it can be powered by a generator, supporting an air compressor and the necessary power supply.
The D523, with its portable functionality, allows users to conduct remote repairs on various assets including heat exchangers, shafts, and vehicles. The integrated spray booth utilises robotic technology to enable the reliable restoration of numerous high-wear parts, including shafts, gearboxes, and other critical components.
The Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing technology employed in the Mobile Repair Unit provides a simple, effective method for repairing damaged parts. In basic terms, Cold Spray involves propelling metal powders at high velocities onto a surface, creating a bond and restoring the original form. This Additive Manufacturing technique offers expedited and cost-effective solutions for various applications.