Survey on America Makes and ANSI’s ‘Standardization Roadmap for AM’

March 4, 2022

America Makes, Youngstown, Ohio, USA, and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), have released a survey to obtain feedback on the use of ‘Standardization Roadmap for Additive Manufacturing.’ The survey seeks comments on the content and quality of the roadmap to assist the America Makes and ANSI Additive Manufacturing Standardization Collaborative (AMSC) in future planning.

The AMSC is a cross-sector initiative involving hundreds of participants to coordinate and accelerate the development of industry-wide Additive Manufacturing standards and specifications. Over the last year, the AMSC has held a series of virtual events addressing different facets of standardisation needs associated with designing, producing, and qualifying AM parts. The group has also issued progress reports tracking activity by standards developing organisations (SDOs) to publish new standards or start new standards projects, that are responsive to the needs and recommendations outlined in the roadmap. The AMSC advisory group, comprised of government, SDO, and industry representatives, determined that it would be helpful to do a survey to complement those efforts.

“We feel that the time is right to do an assessment of what was previously covered in the standards roadmap and how the content can be enhanced commensurate with industry growth, to continue to push AM technologies forward,” stated Brandon Ribic, Technology Maker, America Makes.

Jim McCabe, Senior Director of Standards Facilitation, ANSI, added “Given the different industry sectors that are using AM, and the variety of materials and processes that are available, it makes sense to query the community on the desirability of revising the roadmap to maintain its relevance.”

Anyone who has downloaded the roadmap, contributed to its development, or is otherwise interested in AM, is welcome to provide input. The 18-question survey takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.

Responses are requested by March 23.

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