SLM Solutions looks to purchase metal powder supplier
May 6, 2014
German Additive Manufacturing equipment maker SLM Solutions is reported by Reuters to be considering the purchase of a metal powder producer. SLM Solutions, based in Lübeck, Germany, specialises in manufacturing selective laser melting machines and plans to use some of the proceeds from its upcoming flotation on the Frankfurt stock market to fund the acquisition.

The SLM 500 HL provides a build chamber of
500 x 280 x 325 mm and a powerful double/multi
laser technology
SLM’s Chief Executive Markus Rechlin is quoted as saying, “We have earmarked a third of our targeted €75 million ($103 million) in proceeds to develop the powder business. We do not want to produce the powders ourselves but can imagine an acquisition of a producer or entering into a close cooperation.”
The company also stated that it plans further investment in its sales and service business, opening offices in the US, Japan and Singapore.
“3D printing technology is just about to take off and big industrial customers will shortly start ordering not single machines but start placing multiple machine orders,” Rechlin added.
SLM counts companies such as GE, Alstom and Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) as customers, all of which have interests in Additive Manufacturing technology.
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