Sandvik celebrates 50 years of Osprey at its South Wales metal powder facility

January 15, 2025

Today, Sandvik offers Osprey powders in particle sizes between 0-250 μm(Courtesy Sandvik AB)
Sandvik offers Osprey powders in particle sizes between 0-250 μm (Courtesy Sandvik AB)

Sandvik AB, headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, is celebrating fifty years of manufacturing its Osprey line of products at its Neath, South Wales, UK, facility. From humble beginnings, the unit has evolved to become a leading manufacturer of gas-atomised metal powders and a novel range of controlled expansion (CE) alloys.

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“This milestone is a testament to the dedication, hard work, and innovation of all employees, partners, and customers who have been part of the journey,” stated Andrew Coleman, VP Business unit Additive Manufacturing at Sandvik. “It demonstrates Sandvik’s long-term experience that makes us a trusted partner for customers in areas such as Additive Manufacturing (AM) and Metal Injection Moulding (MIM), and across a range of demanding industries.”

Faraz Deirmina, Principal Metallurgist in metal powders Sandvik, demonstrating recently launched Osprey HWTS 50 metal powder (Courtesy Sandvik)
Faraz Deirmina, Principal Metallurgist in metal powders Sandvik, demonstrating recently launched Osprey HWTS 50 metal powder (Courtesy Sandvik)

Today, the Neath production site is the cornerstone of Sandvik’s metal powder manufacturing capability. The company states that the Osprey range of metal powders is the broadest on the market with over 2,000 different alloys, specialising in fine and mid-fraction sizes.

This scope of its atomising technology also enables Sandvik to manufacture its range of HIPped CE alloys which are suitable for various applications, including those with extreme temperature variations.

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