Rapid.Tech adds extra day to 2016 show following successful event
June 30, 2015

The organiser of the Rapid.Tech and FabCon 3.D trade fairs in Erfurt, Germany, has announced that it will add an extra day to next year’s programmes, with the dates being set as June 21-23, 2016. The move follows the success of this year’s event, which reported visitor numbers reaching almost 4,000 from 15 different countries, as well as exhibitors from nine countries and some 80 speakers from eight countries.
“Rapid.Tech is becoming an increasingly significant event, and additive technologies are spreading into more and more industries,” stated Advisory Board Chairman Michael Eichmann of RTC Rapid Technologies GmbH.
“We are also responding to a number of exhibitors who want the opportunity to present more of what they do,” added Messe Erfurt CEO Wieland Kniffka. He also confirmed that the conference and exhibition themes would be expanded, with a particular focus on areas such as education, electronics and post processing.
There was a wide selection of exhibitors from both the metal and polymer sectors present at the 2015 event. “Rapid.Tech is increasingly establishing itself as an important international trade fair for industrial 3D printing. The visitors we meet here are always well-informed and have a good understanding of the benefits of Additive Manufacturing. Industrial clients often approach us at Rapid.Tech with specific enquiries or applications, and we can work together with them to develop a targeted solution,” stated Dietmar Frank, Regional Director Central Europe, EOS GmbH.
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