OR Laser to showcase full range of metal AM systems at Rapid + TCT
March 13, 2018

The ORLAS Creator hybrid Additive Manufacturing and milling machine (Courtesy OR Laser)
OR Laser, Dieburg, Germany, is set to demonstrate the full range of its industrial Additive Manufacturing equipment at Rapid + TCT 2018, taking place in Fort Worth, Texas, USA, April 24-26, 2018. Throughout the three-day exhibition, the company will showcase the latest developments in its powder bed fusion and direct metal deposition systems, as well as its cloud-based manufacturing services.
This will be the first time OR Laser has exhibited at a North American conference. Among the developments on display will be the company’s new cloud manufacturing services, which it states will add value for ORLAS Creator users across their industrial operations.
The cloud manufacturing facilities are said to offer a continuous, connected interface with machines and their data and can monitor machines in real time, as well as providing preventative maintenance reports to enable users to avoid downtime. They can also provide monitoring and analysis of multiple systems from one location and provide analytical insight for industrial applications based on the machines parameters and materials being used.
The company will also use Rapid + TCT to showcase its ORLAS Creator hybrid Additive Manufacturing and milling machine, which was presented in its prototype form at formnext 2017.
The hybrid system is said to offer the combined benefits of Additive Manufacturing and subtractive manufacturing within a single platform to offer a comprehensive manufacturing solution including a full laser power of 250 W at a spot of 40 μm, laser processing speeds of 3500 mm/s, and a build platform of 110 mm in diameter with a maximum Z axis of 110 mm. This system is expected to launch at the end of 2018, at a price point which OR Laser states will make it accessible to SMEs.