MX3D opens Cucuyo – the metal additively manufactured café

October 23, 2017

October 23, 2017

MX3D opens Cucuyo – the metal 3D printed café
Cucuyo is believed to be the world’s first metal AM café (Courtesy MX3D)

MX3D, a Dutch company focussed on the research and development of robotic Additive Manufacturing technology, has delivered a metal additively manufactured café to STARR Catering Group for installation at the Perez Art Museum Miami (PAMM), Florida, USA. The stainless steel structure was produced in collaboration with Miami-based architectural firm Berenblum Busch Architects (BBA) and opened for business in late September, 2017.

The cocoon-shaped café is named Cucuyo, after the Spanish name for a firefly-like beetle, and is reported to be the first of its kind. MX3D used an industrial robot, equipped with an advanced welding machine and controlled by newly developed software, to produce the structure’s exterior shell using a framework of thin, intricate crossbeams. According to MX3D, the resulting 700-pound stainless steel structure proves that the freedom of form and design offered in the Additive Manufacturing of small objects can be applied on a larger architectural scale.

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“It was a challenge to design a piece that was not only lightweight and easily disassembled for relocation, but also fully functional,” noted Claudia Busch, Founding Principal of BBA. “That is why we decided to work with MX3D on manufacturing this project. Their unique technology allowed the construction of this site-specific piece that meets all structural requirements while seamlessly fitting into the PAMM environment.”

“The cutting-edge and sculptural design of Cucuyo complements PAMM’s Herzog & de Meuron-designed building with its shaded verandas and plazas built for public engagement and interactions with works of art. It will create another meeting point for conversation for our visitors,” added Franklin Sirmans, Director of PAMM.

Cucuyo is divided into three major components: the front counter, the back counter and the door. The final assembled piece is reported to stand at 20 ft long, 9 ft high and 12 ft wide with an advanced counter design, electrical configuration and plumbing.

October 23, 2017

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