MKS Ophir Photonics Calibration Labs receive ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation for laser power and energy measurement

Companies & MarketsNews
January 16, 2024

January 16, 2024

MKS Instruments, Inc. has been accredited with ISO/IEC 17025 for its Ophir Photonics Darmstadt, Germany, Calibration Laboratory (Courtesy MKS Instruments)
MKS Instruments, Inc. has been accredited with ISO/IEC 17025 for its Ophir Photonics Darmstadt, Germany, Calibration Laboratory (Courtesy MKS Instruments)

MKS Instruments, Inc., headquartered in Andover, Massachusetts, USA, has been accredited with ISO/IEC 17025 for its Ophir Photonics Darmstadt, Germany, Calibration Laboratory. This accreditation is awarded to calibration laboratories that meet the highest standards of quality, administration, and technical operations, whilst ensuring that the highest level of accuracy, as measured by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), is achieved. The accreditation covers MKS Ophir’s photodiode, pyroelectric, and thermopile laser power and energy sensors, as well as its power and energy displays and virtual meters.

All of MKS Ophir’s Calibration Laboratories located in Jerusalem, Israel; North Logan, Utah, USA; Omiya-ku, Japan; and Darmstadt have now received ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation. This accreditation enhances customers’ confidence in MKS’ testing and calibration techniques and its staff, improves the validity of test methods, and provides the best traceability of measures and calibrations to national standards.

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“The ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation of all our international labs validates Ophir’s forty-plus years of dedication to the highest standards in the field of calibration of laser power and energy measurement,” shared Reuven Silverman, General Manager, Ophir Photonics. “Accreditation provides further confidence to customers of our NIST-traceable series of measurements, which is especially important for government and industrial organisations.”

Markus Schmiedt, Manager of the European Calibration Lab at Darmstadt, stated, “European customers that are required to have the re-calibration done by a lab with ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation benefit from shorter lead times as their equipment does not need to be shipped to international labs. Calibration certificates issued in our European lab will now automatically carry the ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation.”

As per the accreditation, the Ophir calibration laboratory equipment and calibration standards are regularly calibrated by other ISO/IEC 17025-certified and NIST-traceable laboratories. Furthermore, the uncertainty values communicated to customers have a strong foundation based on rigorous experimental and statistical analysis.

Companies & MarketsNews
January 16, 2024

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