KWSP secures £3.4 million funding for Silverstone Digital Manufacturing Centre

September 18, 2019

September 18, 2019

KWSP secures £3.4 million funding for Silverstone Digital Manufacturing Centre
KW Special Projects (KWSP) has secured funding for a new Digital Manufacturing Centre at Silverstone (Courtesy SEMLEP)

KW Special Projects (KWSP), a high-performance engineering consultancy headquartered in Bicester, Oxfordshire, UK, has secured funding for a new Digital Manufacturing Centre at Silverstone Park, Towcester, Northamptonshire, UK, from South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP), through its Local Growth Fund. 

The 1,657 m2 centre is expected to act as a technology innovation hub, providing on-site access to digital manufacturing facilities including a range of Additive Manufacturing technologies, while also allowing SMEs to access knowledge and advice by encouraging an eco-system in digital manufacturing. Benefits of the new centre will also reportedly include incubation and manufacturing space suitable for high-performance technology start-ups. The facility is expected to generate £9 million additional economic value for the region.

Kieron Salter, managing director, KWSP, stated, “Having grown from a motorsport background, it’s exciting to be able to help drive the latest technology projects across multiple industries, right here at Silverstone.”

“Our goal is to create a hub of engineering innovation that sees the best and most creative minds working side by side to develop the technologies of tomorrow. This is a vision facilitated by SEMLEP, who has been instrumental in securing our funding through its Local Growth Fund, supporting businesses like KWSP in transforming visions into reality.”

“Working with innovative businesses like KWSP to make their ideas become reality is exactly what the makes the SEMLEP area the successful place it is today,” commented, Hilary Chipping, Chief Executive SEMLEP. “Businesses in this area remain at the cutting edge of digital technology. SEMLEP’s investment through our Local Growth Fund in the Digital Manufacturing Centre is part of our work to strengthen the South East Midland’s position as the commercialisation core of the Oxford-Cambridge Arc and deliver on the commitments made in the Local Industrial Strategy.”

The Rt Hon Jake Berry MP, UK Minister of State for Local Growth, explained, “This new state-of-the-art facility made possible with £3.4 million of Local Growth Fund investment will boost the local economy to the tune of £9 million, create fifty engineering jobs and help local start-up technology businesses to grow.”

September 18, 2019

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