India to host international conference on Additive Manufacturing technologies
July 8, 2014
The 4th International Conference on “Additive Manufacturing Technologies-AM 2014” will take place in Bangalore, India, from September 1-2, 2014.
Subtitled “The Additive Manufacturing Defence-Aerospace-Automotive Summit” the event is focused on the global knowledge transfer and networking of professionals involved in Additive Manufacturing. The conference includes invited talks from industry and academic from around the world, discussions on additive layer technologies and additive metal processes, and the latest developments in 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing.
The event is being organised by a consortium of professional bodies including the Additive Manufacturing Society of India (AMSI) and various other national and international professional organisations. The event is supported by Bangalore Chamber of Industries and Commerce (BCIC), CMRDI Egypt and is endorsed by the “Global Alliance of Rapid Prototyping Associations” (GARPA).
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