Incus Hammer Lab35 installed at University of Lyon engineering school
September 2, 2021
Incus GmbH, Vienna, Austria, reports that INSA Lyon, France’s leading post-baccalaureate engineering school, has invested in the company’s Hammer Lab35 metal Additive Manufacturing machine with the support of Région Auvergnes-Rhône-Alpes public funding.
The Hammer Lab35 uses a lithography-based metal manufacturing (LMM) technology, defined as a vat photopolymerisation process (VPP) by ISO/ASTM. It offers a print speed of up to 100 cm3/h and a lateral resolution of 35 µm, and is designed to deliver high-quality parts.
The AM machine was installed at the 3d-fab platform at the University of Lyon, in partnership with MATEIS laboratory (Materials: Science and Engineering). It will enable students and researchers to produce complex metallic parts and study their structural and functional characteristics, and explore the full potential of lithography-based metal manufacturing.