Eplus3D announces two new partners to expand reach in Austria
March 17, 2022

Eplus3D, headquartered in Hangzhou, China, has entered a partnership with HAGI GmbH and ISG Dental GmbH, both based in Austria, in order to help bring Additive Manufacturing to the wider Austrian market.
ISG Dental is a leading supplier of digital dental technology, such as X-ray, implantation and 3D scanning for dentists and laboratories. With its own digital dental laboratory, DDLab, the company is said to be keen to push the boundaries of metal Additive Manufacturing for its customers. Eplus3D has collaborated with ISG Dental to create a full demonstrable workflow, including a complete post-processing solution.
Epluse3D used its EP-M150 dual-laser Additive Manufacturing machine to create partial frameworks as well as crowns, bridges, bars and abutments from CoCr- and titanium alloys. Together with a 5-axis milling system, a state-of-the-art hybrid-manufacturing solution is implemented that can demonstrate all possibilities with metal Additive Manufacturing.
With the knowledge and experience of milling several metallic and non-metallic materials and Additive Manufacturing with different polymer technologies such as DLP and SLA, the group is able to suggest its customers’ workflows in order to make them more cost-efficient, as well as enabling a market advantage over competitors.
Together with the second partner, HAGI, Eplus3D is sharing its extensive knowledge in industrial sectors. HAGI offers foundry, casting and project management for the automotive and power industries. With Eplus3D, HAGI is expanding its portfolio of Additive Manufacturing technologies to include both metal Binder Jetting and Laser Beam Powder Bed Fusion.