DMG Mori’s production to be CO2-neutral by January 2021

October 13, 2020

Christian Thönes, chairman of the Executive Board of DMG Mori Aktiengesellschaft with a DMG Mori machine (Courtesy DMG Mori Aktiengesellschaf)

DMG Mori, headquartered in Bielefeld, Germany, has announced that its machine manufacturing will be completely climate-neutral from 2021 onwards, from raw materials to delivery. The company explains that its manufacturing solutions also provide the highest energy efficiency at the customers’ premises, and DMG Mori machines play a key role in the production of green technologies.

Since May 2020, the company’s ‘Company Carbon Footprint’ has reportedly been climate-neutral. The company avoids emissions in all areas, using methods such as modern heating, ventilation and cooling concepts. In addition, it uses self-generated regenerative energy and purchases green electricity at almost all locations. The remaining CO2 emissions, which the company states cannot be avoided so far, are compensated for by investments in sustainable, certified climate protection projects.

“Climate protection concerns each and every one of us,” stated Christian Thönes, chairman of the executive board of DMG Mori Aktiengesellschaft. “Technological leadership and environ­mental protection go hand in hand. DMG Mori, therefore, takes on complete responsibility. From 2021, the entire value chain of our manufacturing solutions – from raw materials to delivery of our machines to the customer – will be CO2-neutral.”

Thönes continued, “This makes DMG Mori one of the first industrial companies worldwide to have a climate-neutral ‘Product Carbon Footprint’. We also consistently improve the energy efficiency of our machines. In the production of environmentally friendly technologies we are an innovation leader.”

DMG Mori focuses its initiatives for climate neutrality into three areas:

  • Greenmachine
    In addition to its own climate-neutral value creation, DMG Mori will also offset CO2 emissions that arise in the supply chain from 2021 onwards, for example in the production of raw materials such as cast steel. From January 2021, customers worldwide will receive completely climate-neutrally produced machines from all DMG Mori production plants
  • Greenmode
    DMG Mori has been optimising the energy and emission efficiency of its machines through specific CELOS apps, consumption-optimised components such as LED lighting, the recuperation of braking energy and intelligent control of all units. 
  • DMG Mori products also reportedly protect the environment and conserve resources during operation at the customer’s premises
  • Greentech 
    DMG Mori advances the production and further development of green tech­nologies. Customers use DMG Mori machines to produce highly innovative components, e.g. parts for wind power plants, hydroelectric power plants, fuel cells or electric mobility.

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