Call for papers issued for AMPM2022
August 5, 2021

The programme committee for the Additive Manufacturing with Powder Metallurgy Conference (AMPM2022), which is scheduled to take place at the Portland Convention Center, Portland, Oregon, USA, on June 12–15, has issued a call for papers and presentations covering the latest developments in the metal Additive Manufacturing industry.
Sponsored by the Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) and its affiliate APMI International, the four-day event is co-located with the International Conference on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials (PowderMet2022). The technical programme co-chairmen for 2022 are Animesh Bose of Desktop Metal and James Sears of Amaero Additive.
“As the only annual metal Additive Manufacturing/3D printing conference, the AMPM conferences provide the latest R&D in this thriving technology,” stated James P Adams, Executive Director/CEO, MPIF. “The continued growth of the metal AM industry relies on technology transfer of the latest research and development, a pivotal function of AMPM2022.”
Abstracts covering any aspect of metal AM are invited, including the following:
- Modelling of metal AM materials, components & processes
- Design of metal AM components
- Particulate production for metal AM
- Metal AM build processes
- Metal AM sintering
- Metal AM post-build operations
- Metal AM materials
- Metal AM materials properties
- Metal AM testing & evaluation
- Metal AM applications
- Metal AM management issues
The abstract submission deadline is November 5, 2021. Further details are available through the conference website.