Arcam subsidiary AP&C begins construction of second metal powder plant

October 19, 2016

October 19, 2016

Arcam subsidiary AP&C begins construction of second metal powder plant

The ground-breaking ceremony for the company’s new plant in Saint-Eustache, Québec (from left to right), Bruce Bradshaw, CMO at Arcam, Linda Lapointe, MP for Rivière-des-Milles-Îles, Alain Dupont, President and CEO of Advanced Powders & Coatings (AP&C), Christine St-Pierre, Minister of International Relations and La Francophonie and Minister responsible for the Laurentides region, Pierre Charron, Mayor of Saint-Eustache, Benoit Charette, Provincial member of Parliament for Deux-Montagnes.

Arcam AB has announced that its powder manufacturing subsidiary AP&C in Montreal, Canada, has begun to build its second powder plant in Saint-Eustache, Québec. AP&C, a producer of plasma atomised metal powders for Additive Manufacturing and Metal Injection Moulding, plans to invest up to CAD 31 million in this second powder facility, creating 106 new jobs in addition to the 85 people currently employed within the next three years.

“The need for high end titanium powder is driven by the fast growth and adoption of Additive Manufacturing. Arcam is determined to serve the industry through cost efficient solutions thus converting traditional manufacturing into Additive Manufacturing. A requisite is to offer highest quality powder for production at competitive cost,” stated Magnus René, CEO of Arcam.

“This investment makes possible to provide our existing and future clients with superior quality powders to meet the high manufacturing standards of the aerospace and orthopaedic industries,” added Alain Dupont, President of AP&C. “With this new powder production facility and advances in atomisation technology, AP&C will significantly increase capacity”

AP&C benefited from the support, advice and financial assistance of Canada Economic Development, Montréal International, Investissement Québec and the Québec Ministry of Economy, Science and Innovation in moving its expansion project forward.

“Without the involvement from both the federal and provincial governments, our project would have been difficult to carry through at this speed,” Dupont added. “Our points of contact were receptive to our needs, and showed keen knowledge of the issues and challenges facing our industry.”    |

October 19, 2016

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