AML3D to supply industrial components to key 3DPC client
March 5, 2021

AML3D Limited, Edinburgh, Australia, has announced that it will supply a series of industrial components for evaluation and testing to a key client of Japan’s 3D Printing Corporation (3DPC). As an Additive Manufacturing service, 3DPC, headquartered in Yokohama, focusses on enhancing the manufacturing capabilities of its clients with its unique AM supply chain solutions.
“We are excited to work with 3DPC with this purchase order, highlighting the exposure we receive in the Asia Pacific region. We are confident that the successful validation of the WAM [Wire Arc AM] technology will lead to greater commercial opportunities in the future,” commented Andrew Sales, AML3D Managing Director.
AML3D has reportedly received substantial interest from 3DPC clients hoping to overcome traditional manufacturing constraints. In one such case, a client’s wait time for traditional components is sixth months, whereas AML3D components can be delivered in less than two weeks. This client has submitted a purchase order for sample components, to test the suitability of AML3D’s WAM technology for its needs. The trial, if successful, will result in a switch to the AM components, which is expected to lead to business development in industrial and energy sectors.
“By building a supply chain for 3D printed industrial components, we are able to drastically reduce lead time and inventory costs for our industrial clients,” stated Alexander S DeVore, 3DPC CEO. “This first phase is qualifying a component that frequently requires replacement due to harsh conditions and we expect a cost savings of approximately 700,000 USD per annum when AML3D’s WAM technology is fully integrated.”