Alloyed to showcase technologies for additive and traditional manufacturing of advanced metal components at Formnext

September 30, 2021

Alloyed offers complementary technologies for the additive and traditional manufacture of advanced metal components (Courtesy Alloyed)

Alloyed, Oxford, UK, will be exhibiting on booth B98 in Hall 12 at Formnext, which is scheduled to take place in Frankfurt, Germany, on November 16–19, 2021. Following the disruptions and travel restrictions caused by the COVID pandemic, this exhibition represents the first large-scale event that Alloyed has attended since its formation.

Alloyed offers complementary technologies for the additive and traditional manufacture of advanced metal components. The company has developed and uses a proprietary computational platform and advanced materials modelling to match alloy composition for any application and process. This solution provides technology at a variety of scales from alloy composition, material engineering and part design through to scale for mass production.

Michael Holmes, Managing Director, Alloyed, stated, “We are delighted to be exhibiting at Formnext this year. The merger of Betatype with Oxmet technologies to form Alloyed occurred at the end of 2019, soon after the last Formnext event. I look forward to being able to take the Alloyed proposition to a mass audience in Germany. Alloyed provides a compelling offering for optimising advanced digital metal manufacturing applications, and is committed to making its customers high-performance components and processes even better. Joining the Alloys-By-Design (ABD®) brand with Betatype and a facility that makes parts, Alloyed Digital Manufacture (ADM) means we can offer clients the development of superior and customised alloys, unprecedented levels of advanced process control and performance, and expert metal Additive Manufacturing production capabilities from application development through to production. In this way, Alloyed provides customers with a palette of complementary expertise and services that optimise the production of metal parts through digital manufacturing.”

Alloyed’s ABD rapid alloy design and optimisation platform applies data and advanced physical models to simulate the performance of millions of different potential alloys across a large space simultaneously. This enables optimisation across the full range of performance, manufacturing, and economic parameters relevant to any application. It can be used to choose the right alloy for an application, to optimise an existing alloy, or to design new customised alloy solutions.

The Betatype suite of additive technologies includes Engine, a processing platform that uses voxel-by-voxel control of the laser to increase machine productivity and enhance microstructural control, and Architect, an application design platform that takes advantage of the wealth of data that this level of laser control involves.

Alloyed also applies knowledge of multi-scale simulation to model a full range of thermal and mechanical phenomena, including fatigue and other complex phenomena, as well as microstructural evolution during processing and post-processing. This allows it to optimise both alloy and component design in the light of a manufacturing process and manufacturing process parameters for a given material and performance requirement.

To complete the digital metal manufacturing process, Alloyed also aims to harness the full potential of AM through the production of physical metal parts. The company has a team with more than fifty years’ collective experience in advanced and high-volume manufacturing, design, process development and materials engineering. ADM offers dedicated metal AM facilities that are set up to run a range of metal materials including titanium, aluminium, steel, and nickel alloys. ADM can support application development and deliver production parts at increased scales.

Holmes concluded, “Also exhibiting at Formnext is one of our collaborative partners Taniobis (Hall 11 Booth 19). Our two companies complement each other extremely well in terms of mission and capabilities. Taniobis, now part of the JX Metals Group, has more than sixty years of experience with high-quality materials, powders, and alloys based on tantalum and niobium, which form the basis for many products encountered in everyday life.”

“Together Alloyed and Taniobis are collaborating on the development and analysis of new titanium and refractory alloys that will further open up the material palette for AM. The alliance of the two companies enables a full end-to-end solution for the material development process, including material analysis and qualification, material production, and component design and performance. Alloyed and Taniobis are working on a broad spectrum of projects, some with third parties, for a range of applications across the medical, aerospace, and e-mobility industries.”

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