Advanced IP protection from Identify3D and 3YOURMIND

April 25, 2018

April 25, 2018

Advanced IP protection from Identify3D and 3YOURMIND


3YOURMIND and Identify3D have announced that they are partnering to offer to their clients what they describe as “the most comprehensive and secure end-to-end 3D production system on the market.”

Identify3D’s technology suite will be added to the Enterprise Platform for industrial Additive Manufacturing from 3YOURMIND. Enhanced IP protection will be offered throughout all stages of streamlined Additive Manufacturing workflows using the 3YOURMIND platforms. The partnership, it was stated, is another step forward to bring Additive Manufacturing into widespread adoption.

Identify3D has been developing its technology suite since 2014. After successful beta versions were used throughout 2017, the company is now releasing its full product suite this quarter. 3YOURMIND is the first company to integrate the security tools into end-to-end AM workflows.

The integration will occur in two stages. Identify3D ProtectTM will be added to the file verification, ordering and management processes within the standard AM workflow. This compliments the encryption-in-transit security that is already part of all 3YOURMIND platforms by adding an encryption-at-rest solution for ensuring secure handling of the data during production.

3D models that are securely uploaded to 3YOURMIND will be processed as an encrypted Digital Supply Item (DSI). Identify3D Protect creates a private DSI section with fully encrypted intellectual property and a public DSI section, which includes the minimum effective data dose for being processed over the 3YOURMIND platforms.

“We have been working closely with 3YOURMIND to develop data standards that maintain the maximum level of data and Intellectual Property Security for the platform users while keeping all the benefits of AM workflow digitisation. The encryption protocols we have developed allow companies to work even more smoothly with both internal and external suppliers. The solutions we are developing together ensure that Additive Manufacturing is an option for any company, even those working in high-security environments,” stated Stephan Thomas, Chief Strategy Officer, Identify3D.

The second stage will be directing those files through the 3YOURMIND platform to specific AM machines that are equipped with Identify3D EnforceTM. The partners stated that leading AM machine manufacturers such as EOS, SLM Solutions and Renishaw already have the ability to accept a wide variety of encrypted AM parameters such as quantity, time-frame, material, production-run size, and even limits in production to a single machine or location.

Users will benefit from centralised access to AM resources, printability verification, and instant pricing via the 3YOURMIND platform. At the point the order is placed with a selected vendor that has opted into enhanced security, the DSI data file would be securely processed based on the order parameters to create a machine-specific production file with an expiration date and quantity limit. The user has full control of how many of each part can be manufactured, in which material and at which location, thereby providing the digital paper trail required in enterprise-level production.


Advanced IP protection from Identify3D and 3YOURMIND

Secure AM with external providers

Since 2015, 3YOURMIND has offered its Enterprise platform as both an on-premises and SaaS solution. Its rapid growth, alongside that of the AM industry in general, has revealed a trend towards companies working with both internal machines and an external on-demand network to maximise their flexible production capacity.

With the number of companies in the production stream growing, 3YOURMIND is now moving to ensure that its customers have both an encrypted experience on the 3YOURMIND platforms, as well as intellectual property security when they deliver files to AM service providers for production.

The Identify3D technology guarantees that the final AM part is only completed in the pre-approved quantity, manufacturing process, material, timeframe, and machine that has been ordered through 3YOURMIND Enterprise.

“All of our efforts go towards maintaining straight-forward, stable, and secure platforms for our customers who are rapidly increasing their AM production. Identify3D Protect adds a second layer of Intellectual Property Security to 3D files. But equally as important for us is Identify3D EnforceTM which will enable us to securely encode production parameters,” commented Philipp Stelzer, Head of Sales and Marketing, 3YOURMIND.


Smart Contracts in manufacturing

Direct integration with machine manufacturers adds the ability to return tracing information from the final production process. Receiving the true final production parameters that occurred during production is central to a full workflow automation because it creates a guarantee of the quality of additive manufacturing repeatability. Initially the information feeds back into the existing platform analytics, however this new level of information detail is opening the door to smart production contracts.

3YOURMIND and Identify3D state that they are working to develop the programming framework for Smart Contracts to dynamically create orders, the accompanying legal agreements and documenting a successful completion of all the steps to a successful, verified production. This they regard as a key component of agile manufacturing and these automated processes will enable companies to confidently and securely produce their components with AM suppliers around the world. |

April 25, 2018

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