Yndetech enhances dental implant production with Russell AMPro Lab Sieve Station
September 9, 2024

Yndetech srl, a supplier of digital dental systems and implants headquartered in Fano, Italy, has installed a Russell AMPro Lab Sieve Station at its Lecce facility. The new sieve station, supplied by Russell Finex, based in Feltham, UK, will be used to process cobalt chromium and titanium powders used in the Additive Manufacturing of dental implants.
Yndetech uses digital technologies to design and manufacture a wide range of dental products and implants. The company produces fixed and removable prosthetics, orthodontic devices, and other components for over 2,000 dentists and dental technicians across Italy and Southern Europe.
Cobalt chromium and titanium is used to manufacture certified biocompatible dental products. These materials offer high resistance to wear and corrosion, as well as a smooth surface finish that inhibits bacterial growth.

However, processing cobalt chromium and titanium powders can expose operators to health and safety risks and involve time-consuming manual sieving operations. To address these issues, Yndetech chose the Russell AMPro Lab Sieve Station with its bottle-to-bottle system that prevents contact with operators. The small batch powder reclaim unit also employs the Russell Vibrasonic Debinding System to ensure quieter machine operation.
Yndetech is using its Russell AMPro Lab Sieve Station to re-claim and process powder for three metal AM machines at its Lecce facility. The company added that it plans to invest in a second sieve station for another of its production sites.