Titomic licenses two new patents for pipe production by metal AM

February 14, 2019

February 14, 2019

Metal Additive Manufacturing company Titomic Limited, Melbourne, Australia, has executed an exclusive license agreement with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and an acquisition agreement with Future Titanium Technologies (FTT) which will see Titomic allot $400,000 worth of Titomic Limited shares to FTT shareholders.

The agreement with CSIRO grants Titomic exclusive global rights to two patents for the production of pipe, as well as continuous pipe, manufactured using titanium and titanium alloys, which will open significant revenue opportunities for Titomic across a number of major industries, in particular the oil and gas, defence, marine and mining sectors.

Under the agreement, Titomic will also receive more than eight years of exclusive innovative Additive Manufacturing techniques, background IP, and knowledge on the production of pipe and pipe components including, but not limited to, valves and fitting components.

This technology results from the 2010 Victorian Government initiated Victorian Direct Manufacturing Centre (VDMC) programme, which received contributions of approximately AUD $10 million from industry, and research providers to help revitalise the manufacturing sector and deliver economic and environmental benefits to Victoria.

Pipe can now be additively manufactured using Titomic Kinetic Fusion (TKF) systems without the size and profile constraints of traditional pipe manufacturing techniques. TKF-produced metal pipe is also said to have superior wear and corrosion resistant properties in comparison to traditional wrought metal pipe.

The use of the TKF production method of fusing dissimilar metals for pipes, valves and fitting components is expected to allow the oil and gas, defence, marine and mining industries to gain access to next generation dual-wall materials for superior wear and corrosive resistance properties. Titomic can now exploit this technology commercially due to these key performance factors:

  1. Quality: Titanium TKF-produced metal pipe has superior wear and corrosion resistant properties
  2. Scale: TKF-produced pipe has no size and profile constraints compared to traditional pipe manufacturing techniques
  3. Cost: Titomic’s cost-effective powder supply chain is said to have overcome the largest barrier to entry for Additive Manufacturing suppliers into the oil and gas, defence and marine and mining sectors
  4. Speed: The TKF automated production line enables industry to manufacture continuous metal pipe using Additive Manufacturing
  5. Sustainability: Australia dominates the world’s resources for titanium minerals, and Titomic is making a valuable contribution to establishing a titanium manufacturing industry and adding value to Australian natural resources

The oil and gas industry is one of the world’s largest users of valves. The inventory required and the lifecycle of these valves and fitting components is significantly influenced by sediments, sand, rock and other abrasive matter running through the pipe and fitting components during the extraction process. The new patents and knowledge will reportedly allow Titomic to produce piping, valves and fitting components with a significantly higher wear resistance than the piping currently being used.

Jeff Lang, Titomic Managing Director, commented, “This is a significant expansion of Titomic’s IP and associated revenue opportunities. By adding these two new patents, we are broadening our footprint in the titanium and titanium alloys Additive Manufacturing space to firmly secure our future market segments. Our fundamental strategy has been well-timed and managed to perfectly combine the securing of a cost-effective metal powder supply chain, with the expansion of our IP portfolio positioning Titomic as the global leader in viable metal Additive Manufacturing.”

“To capitalise on the significant $300+ billion global interest Titomic has received from the oil and gas, mining and marine industries to provide more sustainable and cost-effective AM manufacturing, these new TKF technologies enable Titomic to provide viable digital manufacturing capabilities leading to significant short-, mid- and long-term revenue opportunities,” he concluded.

Stefan Gulizia, Research Group Leader at CSIRO, commented, “Working with companies like Titomic shows that manufacturing remains a key driver in the Australian economy. We are pleased that Titomic are licensing the rights to utilise and further commercialise CSIRO research in developing new products and processes that go towards supporting productivity gains, boosting sustainability and helping capture emerging opportunities in local and global markets.”

In addition to the $350,000 research fees payable to CSIRO for Titomic’s initial Load-Bearing Structure patent, with the exclusive licensing of the two new patents Titomic will pay an additional $200,000 per annum research fee to CSIRO for three years to collaborative develop and explore other Cold Spray related IP projects.



February 14, 2019

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