Three weeks to register for PM Life AM Technology course
June 24, 2021
The European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) has announced that the PM Life Additive Manufacturing Training will take place as a hybrid training event in 2021, providing greater flexibility in terms of accessibility and self-learning aspects without compromising the extensive on-site training days.
For those wishing to gain insights into the current state of Additive Manufacturing technologies for both metal and ceramic parts, including non-beam methods like Binder Jetting and Fused Filament Fabrication, this is a worthwhile event in which to participate.
The preparatory webinars (Fundamentals) will take place online, while the practical training (Practice) will be held at Fraunhofer IFAM in Dresden, Germany. On the final day, a written exam will conclude the event and participants will receive a certificate of participation from the EPMA.
In addition to lectures given by experts from academia and industry, the practical programme includes plant & lab visits (including an industrial AM production site) and practical hands-on exercises. This year’s industry presentations will feature contributions from ExOne and Materialise.
Registration is now open via the event’s site.