Scholarships available to attend MS&T18 AM modeling symposium
August 29, 2018
The MS&T18 symposium ‘Additive Manufacturing: Modeling and Simulation of AM Materials, Processes, and Mechanics’, takes place from October 14-18, 2018, in Columbus, Ohio, USA. The event has received funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF/CMMI Award #1836555) in order to support selected students, postdoctoral researchers and young investigators studying at US institutions to attend the conference.
The scholarships includes $750 to cover travel, lodging and other related expenses to attend MS&T18 AM symposium and an MS&T18 conference registration waiver (>$110).
Full information on the conditions and requirements is available at Note that the deadline for completed applications is September 8, 2018. Notice of award will be sent out by September 11.
Full details of the symposium are available at