New Additive Manufacturing Standard describes material extrusion processes
December 14, 2021
ASTM International’s Additive Manufacturing technologies committee (F42) has approved a new standard guide for the use of layer-based Material Extrusion (MEX) processes in Additive Manufacturing.
“The new standard will help product designers take advantage of the unique capabilities of Material Extrusion processes,” stated David Rosen, ASTM International member. “By following the design rules and guidelines offered in this guide, designers will learn how to design potentially novel, geometrically complex, high-performance parts.”
Rosen notes the new standard (soon to be published as F3529) will help product designers, practitioners, and students to learn about the capabilities, benefits, and limitations of MEX processes as well as process-related limitations when designing parts. The standard will help managers understand the opportunities afforded by MEX processes and their limitations when making decisions about product development and manufacturing resource needs.
The AM technologies committee added that it is seeking interested parties who would like to participate in the development of future design standards for specific AM processes and for specific application areas.
“We are looking for people to help evaluate technologies that impact AM usage and applications, such as AM process simulation software, AM pre-processing software, post-processing technologies, and other topics,” Rosen concluded.